Organiza: European Comission
Acceso libre y gratuito
09:30 Welcome and Agenda
09:40 AMENDMENTS, the Legal Basis
10:10 AMENDMENTS, the Business Process and IT Tool
10:50 Coffee break
11:00 REPORTING AND PAYMENTS, the Legal Basis
11:30 REPORTING AND PAYMENTS, the Business Process and IT Tool
12:10 Mutual Insurance Mechanism
12:40 End of the meeting
Fecha y lugar: martes, 4 de octubre de 09:00 a 12:45 horas. Modalidad online.
Enlaces de interés:
Hospital Clínico San Carlos. Aula Fernández-Cruz (Pabellón docente)
Hospital Clínico San Carlos. Aula Fernández-Cruz (Pabellón docente)
Presencial y zoom