Epidemiology and Socioeconomic Determinants of Health

Strategic objectives

  • Population and health care epidemiology studies
  • Non-commercial experimental and medical device studies
  • Risk prevention in the healthcare environment, specifically: biological risk prevention and psychosocial risk prevention
  • Study on the epidemiology of sport and the use of illicit substances

Lines of research

  • Technology Assessment
  • Population Epidemiology Studies
  • Mathematical Modeling for Epidemiological Patterns
  • Non-Commercial Experimental Studies
  • New Vaccine for Herpes Zoster: Evaluation of the prophylactic efficacy, safety, and immunogenicity of the vaccine in adults over 50 years old (Pharmaceutical Industry).
  • Psychosocial Risk Prevention: Application of mediation methodology to Public Health, assessing its impact on healthcare quality and hospital environment (in collaboration with Complutense University).
  • Exercise Physiology
  • Doping
  • Sports Medicine
  • Sports Diagnostics
  • Exercise Prescription


Socioeconomic Determinants of Health

  • Identification of risk factors explaining the relationship between socioeconomic position and health problems.
  • Identification of risk factors explaining the occurrence of health problems in various populations.
  • Assessment of the availability of services and infrastructure as a possible explanation for the relationship between the socioeconomic context of the residence area and health problems.
  • Evaluation of health interventions aimed at reducing health problems across different socioeconomic groups.

