Infectious Diseases/HIV

Strategic objectives

  • To maintain own research projects in HIV: to develop the lines on comorbidities already initiated. Specifically, the lines already started are:
    • CV disease (hypertension, carotid intima-media thickness progression, HDL function, microRNA)
    • Muscle weakness, frailty, osteoporosis, and ageing of HIV patient
    • Depression in HIV-infected patients
    • Role of gut microbiota in chronic inflammation and HIV-associated complications
  • To develop a European research project on co-morbidities/ageing in HIV patients
  • To maintain own projects in viral hepatitis, on HCV treatment response, and epidemiological aspects of HIV/HCV co-infection.
  • To develop own projects in other infectious diseases: to develop a line of research in the field of tuberculosis.
  • To maintain a constant number of clinical trials of the pharmaceutical industry or research consortia, which allows the economic support of the group’s contracted personnel.
  • To publish, at least, 2-3 original articles per year
  • To incorporate pre-doctoral researchers into the group, especially resident doctors at the end of their training period.
  • To conduct HIV/STI research projects:
    • To develop HIV epidemiology lines, specifically: Cohorts of adults, controllers, LTNP, acute infection, and profile of new diagnoses.
    • Preventive antiretroviral treatment.
    • Studies in PrEP users
  • Follow-up studies on epidemiology and treatment of STIs
  • To maintain projects on viral hepatitis epidemiology, acute HCV infection, HIV/HCV, and HIV/HBV confluence
  • Follow-up of the research line of Preventive and Reproductive Counselling in HIV serodiscordant couples. Effectiveness of antiretroviral treatment on sexual transmission of HIV in HIV serodiscordant (TasP) homosexual and heterosexual couples
  • Secondary prevention of anogenital cancer (HPV)
  • To conduct clinical trials promoted by the pharmaceutical industry and by public entities
  • Publication of, at least, 2-3 original articles per year

Lines of research

  • Comorbidities in patients with HIV infection (cardiovascular disease, muscle, and bone pathology, and depression).
  • Gut microbiota in HIV infection
  • Epidemiology of HIV/HCV co-infection
  • STI/HIV Epidemiology studies in vulnerable populations. These studies include:

– Socio-demographic, clinical, and behavioural characteristics of new HIV diagnoses

– STI and HIV incidence of risk behaviours associated with chemsex

– Antiretroviral treatment in primary HIV infection

– Assessment of PrEP, safety, and efficacy of the combination of emtricitabine and tenofovir alafenamide (F/TAF) in HIV-exposed transgender men and women

– Molecular epidemiological surveillance study of HIV-1 infection

– HIV-2 and HTLV infection in Spain. Epidemiology and virological aspects

– Reproductive history and desire for procreation in women with HIV infection

– Epidemiology of Chlamydia trachomatis. Prevalence of Lymphogranuloma venereum

– New STI treatments

– Resistances to Mycoplasma genitalium and Neisseria gonorrhoeae

– Secondary prevention of anogenital cancer and follow-up of associated preneoplastic lesions

– Study of new HSV markers

Other members of the group

  • María Inés Armenteros Yeguas
  • Oskar Ayerdi Aguirrebengoa
  • Juan Ballesteros Martin
  • Begoña Baza Caraciolo
  • Arantxa Berzosa Sanchez
  • Andrés Bodas Pinedo
  • Marta Bote Gascón
  • Noemi Cabello Clotet
  • Paula Cabrera Cascajero
  • Yolanda Campanero Núñez
  • Maravillas Carralón González
  • Dulce Carrio Montiel
  • Petunia Clavo Escribano
  • Enrique Criado Vega
  • Geni Constanza Díaz Hernández
  • María Ferreras Forcada
  • Laura Francisco Gonzalez
  • Mónica García Lotero
  • Adrian Garcia Ron
  • Celia Gil López
  • Cristina Gonzalez Menchen
  • José Reynaldo Homen Fernández
  • Marta Illan Ramos
  • Diego López De Lara
  • Mª Blanca Menéndez Prieto
  • Félix Moreno Barahona
  • Ana Muñoz Gómez
  • Maria Jose Nuñez Orantos
  • Susana Olmedo Hernández
  • Eva Orviz García
  • Olga Pérez Rodríguez
  • Lorena Pozo Pérez
  • Maria Teresa Puerta López
  • Javier Rodriguez Añover
  • Santiago Rueda Esteban
  • Sergio Sabogal Alvis
  • María Nieves Sanz Pérez
  • Adrián Valls Carbó
  • Mª Del Mar Vera García

