Microsoft Excel Advanced Course

Within the framework of the IdISSC Training Plan, following the training activities proposed by the FIB’s Works Committee, an Advanced Microsoft Excel course will be given to FIB staff with the aim of learning and using the functions and data and analysis tools of Excel at an advanced level.

The course will start on 10 April and end on 10 May with a total of 20 hours of training to be completed within 1 month.

The course modality will be e-learning through the Moodle platform, which will provide the materials, tasks, self-tests and tutoring.


Introduction. Customise the ribbon and quick access bar. Advanced filters, wildcards and calculated conditions. Conditional Formats. Custom data formats.

Advanced functions. Formulas. Operators. Autofill. Custom series. References. Error messages. Functions. Auto-sum. Average. Maximum and Minimum. Library of functions. Mathematics. Financial. Logical. Date and time. Text. Search and reference. Statistics. Information. Compatibility. Of cube. Database. Engineering. User-defined functions.

Sheet protection. Saving and printing of books. Sheet Protection. Delete password. Protect book. Protect sheet elements. Hide formulas. Save the workbook. Versions. Auto-recovery. Inspect. Control of changes. Advantages of the .xlsx format. Book printing. Page layout. Header and footer.

Graphics. Graphics. Types. Insert. Layout. Formatting. Presentation. Trend lines. Error bars. Combine. Templates. Mini charts.

Dynamic tables. Create Pivot Tables. Modify. Summary function. Show values as. Report filter. Segmentation. Show detail. Grouping. Graphics.

Data and analysis tools. Lists. Validation. Validation with lists. Subtotal tool. Grouping and schema. Consolidation. Remove duplicates. Text in columns. Tables. Scenarios. Target search. Solver.

Macros. Introduction to Macros. Create a Macro. Execute. Edit a macro. Ribbon button. Assign a macro to an object. Delete a macro. VBA introduction. Example objects. Referencing workbooks and sheets. Referencing ranges and cells. Referencing rows and columns. Charts and ChartObject. ActiveChart and ActiveSheet. Debugging code.


Since the course is going to be organised by FUNDAE (State Foundation for Employment Training), it is required that there is a commitment to complete it and, on the other hand, to obtain the approval of your responsible PI, because it is required that at least 20% of the hours are completed during working hours, which may affect the development and organisation of ordinary tasks. To obtain this approval, you must apply for this course in parallel through the employee portal by requesting paid leave, with the item CONGRESS/PAPER/CURSE/TRAINING.

If you are interested in taking the course, please complete the following application form and we will contact you to inform you of the details:

    Con el fin de adaptar las tareas del curso a tus necesidades, rogamos respondas a las siguientes cuestiones:

    1.- Enumera algunas tareas que en tu puesto de trabajo estén relacionadas con el ámbito del curso:

    2.- ¿Qué tareas podrías realizar mejor si recibes esta formación?: