Simplified open procedure PAS 3-23 Service for the application of Artificial Intelligence in the study of predictors of evolution in hereditary Transthyretin Transthyretin Amyloidosis (ATTRV).
Simplified open procedure PAS 5-22 Supply of amyloid tracer radiopharmaceuticals for the study of myelin in multiple sclerosis.
Simplified open procedure PAS 01-23 Video surveillance system using artificial intelligence in the facilities of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos by the FIBHCSC, within the framework of the Odin Project.
Open procedure PA 2-23 Travel agency service
Open procedure PA 1-23 Supply of a comprehensive NGS solution for the implementation of a Massive Sequencing Research (NGS) project for the FIBHCSC.
Simplified open procedure PAS 5-22 Supply of amyloid tracer radiopharmaceuticals for the study of myelin in multiple sclerosis.
Simplified open procedure PAS 3-22 Services of a Contract Research Organisation (CRO) for recruitment, monitoring, administrative support, logistics and pharmacovigilance of a clinical study.
Simplified open procedure PAS 2-22 Supply of laboratory reagents.
Simplified open procedure PAS 1-22 Integrated support service for digital resources of the Inflammatory Diseases Network (EIN)
Open procedure PA 3-22 Service of transfer, inventory, deposit, custody, management and destruction of the research studies archive for the IdISSC.
Open procedure PA 2-22 Supply of equipment for the Transversal Support Units (UTS) of the Health Research Institute of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos.
Open procedure PA 1-22 Supply of equipment for the Experimental Medicine and Surgery Unit of the Health Research Institute of the Hospital Clínico San Carlos.
Negotiated procedure 4/16 for the contracting of accounting, tax and commercial consultancy services.
Negotiated Procedure 3/16 for the procurement of the supply of a portable ECMO (extracorporeal circulation with membrane oxygenator) equipment and 20 kits for the portable ECMO equipment for the implementation of a research project.
Negotiated procedure 2/16 for the contracting of the employment consultancy service and the performance of socio-labour work at the Fundación para la Investigación Biomédica del Hospital Universitario Clínico San Carlos.
Negotiated Procedure 1/16 for the supply of laboratory products for the implementation of a research project.
Negotiated procedure with advertising 2/15 for the supply of biohybrids made of biomaterials and adult mesenchymal stem cells (ASC) for a research project.
Negotiated procedure with advertising 1/15 for the contracting of design, development, implementation, support and maintenance services for the Intranet of the Clinical Research Units and Clinical Trials (SCReN) platform.
Negotiated procedure with advertising 4/14 for the contracting of the employment consultancy service and the performance of socio-labour work.
Negotiated procedure with advertising 3/14 for the contracting of the accounting, tax and commercial consultancy service.
Negotiated procedure with advertising 2/14 for the contracting of the service of transfer, inventory, deposit, custody, management and destruction of the research studies archive.
Negotiated procedure with advertising 1/14 for the supply of a massively parallel sequencing equipment.
Negotiated procedure with advertising 3/13 for the supply of a massively parallel sequencing equipment.
Negotiated procedure with advertising 2/13 for the supply of an ultracentrifuge and a high-speed centrifuge.
Negotiated procedure with advertising 1/13 for the contracting of monitoring, pharmacovigilance, data processing, statistical analysis and management services for a clinical trial.